Hello There!
This is my first blog post (and let's hope not the last).
The reason for this blog is to document my year in Slovakia as a Fulbright Teaching Assistant. I'm very excited to see what this year will offer me in terms of understanding Slovak culture and gaining teaching experience. I hope I can share a little bit about the Slovak culture with you as I experience it.
I suppose a tour around my new home, Tisovec, Slovakia, might be in order...
Oh look! There I am! And there's a map of Tisovec. Don't be fooled by how big the map looks.
This is the Lutheran Church.
Here's our town square, because every town should have one...
This is the school where I teach!
Here is the snazzy, brand new, community pool!
And this the "Culture House" where we watch movies that were released in American theaters about 3 months ago for only 2 euro!
This is the big grocery store in town and situated above it is the town department store.
And the town post office... it takes about 3 weeks for items to come from the States, but I want care packages!
And finally, the town bar!
So, that's pretty much the town. It's very small, if you haven't guessed yet.
Next up, a tour of my apartment! I live in the town hotel right above another town bar. It's nice having my own place, but not so nice being kept up until 1am on Friday and Saturday nights...
Yay! my shoes! In Slovakia you DO NOT wear your outdoor shoes inside! So this is where I keep my shoes, and then I wear slippers all day long!
Here's my bathroom. It smells a little like the bathroom in the Hungry Tiger Too (for those who who have had the pleasure)
Here's my kitchen, note the bright orange blinds.
The other side of my kitchen, this is where I do all of my "gourmet" cooking. Through the doorway you can see into my bedroom/living room. It's illuminated by the bright orange blinds!
This is the bedroom half of my "room"
And the living room half!
This is the view from my bed/living room! It's quite beautiful! Tisovec is tucked away between beautiful hills.
But if you look close enough, you can see that the window frame is a little crooked...
oh soviet style buildings...
Another photo of the view from my apartment. This looks into town where you can see the top of the Lutheran Church.
And that, my friends, is the tour! I hope you enjoyed it.
I'll try to post more frequently, so stay tuned!